Insurance - Beijing, Beijing, China
AWI Employee Benefits & Healthcare (AWI), established since 2005 in Beijing. AWI is market leader in China's Employee Benefits insurance and high-end medical insurance segment.As an independent and employee wholly owned insurance intermediary firm, AWI has been achieving forward-looking & prudential philosophy , stable & excellent internal procedures, and ingenious services team with more than twenty years' industry experiences in commercial insurance especially on International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI). As member of Insurance Association of China, GBN Worldwide, and Beijing Insurance Intermediary Association, AWI strives to provide healthy and sustainable services to large & medium-sized enterprises including but not limited to Wanda Hotels & Resorts, BlueStar, Chem China, Pfizer, Funshion and Wanda Studios Qingdao, Tujia, and high net worth families. Core Values: Keeping primitive simplicity; Innovation; Don't be evil.CBIRC's License No.: 201913000000800 安惠国际保险代理(北京)有限公司(简称"安惠国际"),2005年于北京创立,是中国员工福利保险领域的领先品牌。作为独立的、由员工完全拥有的专业保险中介公司,拥有前瞻审慎的经营理念、稳定完善的业务流程,和拥有中高端商业保险领域20余年行业经验的专业服务团队,向企业用户提供健康、可持续的一站式解决方案。服务用户包括但不限于万达酒店及度假村、中国蓝星、中国化工、辉瑞制药、风行视频、青岛万达影视产业园、途家网等大中型企业客户和高净值人士,是中国保险行业协会和GBN Worldwide会员单位,是北京保险中介行业协会理事会员。价值观:守拙、争先、不作恶银保监会专业保险中介许可证号码:201913000000800