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If you send emails to your prospects, we can help you get better results.B2Prospect delivers the ability to send personalized email campaigns through our "Custom Field" dataBy adding personalized "Custom Fields" to your emails, you can ensure that every email you send is unique and relevant to each prospect, while still sending a high volume of emails.Why personalize? ... Non-personalized email campaigns (sending more or less the exact same message to every prospect on your list) not only have really low response rates but they also turn off prospects, hurting your chances of selling to them in the future and devaluing your company's brand. Just think about it … when was the last time you responded to a spammy sales or marketing email?Personalization improves the relevancy of your emails, and makes each one look as though it's been researched and typed-out specifically for each prospect, drastically changing the way your email is received. B2Prospect delivers this type of personalization at scale.
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