Defense & Space - Chula Vista, California, United States
We are your American outdoor gear company for every epic and amazing adventure on your list including everyday travel and demanding service operations. No matter where you are headed, from the rugged mountain wilderness, to pristine waterways, breath-taking coastline, or adrenaline rushing situations, we have the MADE IN USA GEAR that will never disappoint. Our life and yours is dedicated to the great outdoors and all the excitement, challenges, and gutsy journeys it has to offer. That means there can be no compromises in the craftsmanship and quality of your backpack, range bag, duffel bag, tactical equipment, and accessories including our webbing management device. The honor and pride we have for our country carries over to our manufacturing process - every product we produce is American made, well-constructed and made to last. Here's to all your bucket-list adventures, your love of the awe-inspiring outdoors, and all the super human things you do!
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