Graphic Design - New York, New York, United States
world-class graphic design solutionWho are we?Helen Baranovska and Toli Menkiv are always pursuing new inspiration through their research, their networking and their travels. But they have also brought the world to Dnipropetrovsk through the annual COW International Design Festival, which they founded in 2004. This is one example of how they add international flair and unique excitement to every project.Both are graduates of the Dnipropetrovsk College of Art and the Ukrainian Academy of Printing in Lviv. They have been working in the design profession for more than a decade. Toli and Helen also established the Dnipropetrovsk chapter of the Ukrainian Designers' Guild.Admittedly different as night and day (or respectively cat- and dog-lovers), Helen and Toli bring the best and the brightest ideas to their clients and the world. Their combined talent and attention to your bottom line are a definite formula for success.Contact us today to discover innovative design solutions to help you succeed.
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