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About Amy Barefoot Ragamuffin Productions: The Missionary Amy's heart for mission work came at a young age. At age 11, she lived in Dominica for a few months working with her father at Voice of Life Radio–a station he had started in his late 20s. In future years she traveled to Korea, Armenia, Peru, India & Tanzania to spread the Gospel of Jesus through music, movies, & media. The Musician Amy has been singing & playing the piano her entire life. Greatly impacted by the singer-songwriter, Rich Mullins, she's been arranging his music since his tragic death in a car accident in 1997. Each year she intends to release her arrangements of 3 of his songs. They are simple arrangements: just a voice & a piano. Volume 2 comes out again in memory of his birthday, October 21. The Therapist Amy has struggled with chronic pain resulting from a car accident a few years ago & knows first-handedly the power of touch. Wanting to share that relief with others struggling with illness, she sought training in massage therapy. The Producer Amy graduated from Azusa Pacific Univ. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cinema & Broadcast Arts. She enjoys Final Cut Pro editing & copy editing for scripts, books, magazine articles & anything else that needs a little spelling/grammar perfecting! The Photographer Amy is an amateur photographer, but enjoys taking photos very much. She & her husband, Lukas Odhner started a photo booth company in early 2011 called
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