Hospitality - Rome, Lazio, Italy the only booking engine totally FREE OF CHARGE allows you to receive bookings in 10 languages directly from your website, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.The calendar is simple and intuitive and allows you to send the updates with just 2 clicks.The BBLIVERATE is also a channel manager 2-way certified connection allows you to import automatically the bookings from other portals; this way when a reservation is registered, the system will automatically update on the various websites the correct availability without you having to do anything. This way, you avoid errors and overbooking since the system works 365 days a year, 24 hours a day!The channel manager yet included all marketing tool as: App Iphone/androif for mobile booking, facebook booking app, reputation and rate checker and many others! NO COMMISSION, NO ANNUAL CONTRACTS, NO VARIABLE PRICE AND FEE!You can also change the minimum stay, check in registration upon arrival, make quick changes for long periods, filter prices for weekends, manage the prices automatically for various types of tariffs.BBliverate offers a monthly subscription, you pay only the months you use it NO CONTRACTS and no additional cost for reservations received! Try it for free for one month. Sign up on and put the promo code FG1602 on the subscription!