Health, Wellness & Fitness - Rosh Haayin, Center District, Israel
Our idea is to unite Face Training Instructors and Face Treatment Providers from all over the world at one Platform and help them to establish productive long term relationship with their customers. This target will be achieved, by developing a unique mobile Face Training Application, which will provide Online Personal Face Diagnostic, Online Smart Guiding, Scores and Build in Smart Training Process Evaluation, based on high technologies . We also wish to help potential customers to find the most suitable face training method and make their training routine easy, accessible and effective, concentrated in one system. Face Fitness is one the directions which is gaining speed and becoming very popular, as a healthy and accessible alternative to the plastic surgeries and injections.Our idea is to unite Face Fitness Coaches from all over the world at one Face Fitness Platform and help them to establish the connection with their customers. We also want to help potential customers to find the most suitable method for training in most effective way.The target is, to build a mobile application, which can be used for individual at-home training.The application will be based on Machine Learning, Face Recognition and Computer Vision Algorithms, which will allow to provide Online Smart Guiding and Scores of training performance.It can assist to persist the training routine, by turning it easy, accessible and effective.