Insurance - , ,
Beechwood Re was formed in late 2012 to provide offshore reinsurance capacity to Life, Accident and Health insurance companies seeking improved capital efficiency through reallocations of surplusBeechwood Re observed a growing need for reinsurance underwriting expertise and capacity for middle market-sized deals in fixed and indexed annuity, long-term disability, and long-term care lines, and formed the reinsurer in direct response to these requirementsBeechwood Re life reinsurance company is fully licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority and is capitalized with over US$100MM in capital, with additional committed capital available from Beechwood's founders to support growth.Beechwood Re partners have extensive experience in underwriting and reinsurance management. Additionally, our partnership group consists of skilled investment talent with unique credit-based strategies, aligning skillsets to create requisite returns on a risk-adjusted basis tailored to reinsurance needsBeechwood Re has assembled an underwriting and actuarial team focused on reinsuring in-force blocks of business that have definable underwriting risks, long-tailed liability patterns, and the ability to provide value to cedants while creating opportunity for profits through excess investment returns and disciplined claims management processes