Internet - , , was launched at Startup Weekend Kalamazoo in 2011 by a group of entrepreneurial college students who wanted to challenge the campus bookstore's monopoly on textbook sales. By offering higher buyback prices in a fun format (we don't actually give you beer for your textbooks but (beer) money with which you buy beer - or Chipotle - if you are of age*), BeerforTextbooks was able to quickly win over students nationwide.What started out as a small dorm room operation has grown over the last few years to include 81 colleges and universities, serving up cold to thousands of college students and putting tens of thousands of dollars each is unique because it hires student managers to plan and oversee the campus operations at each university. is heavily run by the students themselves, with all aspects of operations geared towards providing the best possible prices and the most convenient service to college students. BeerforTextbooks buys back more titles than the campus bookstore, at higher prices, and provides free dorm room pickup.We hope that you choose BeerforTextbooks for your textbook needs. If you have any questions, please email us at We will get back to you within one day and sometimes within hours.