Wholesale - Guangzhou Shi, Guangdong Sheng, China
Bella Bags Manufactory Ltd. is a professional handbag manufacturer with more than 10 years' experience. We mainly produce high quality fashion handbags, matching wallets and cosmetic bags. We have an outstanding know-how in producing and developing a variety of handbags with different kinds of materials, such as leather, PU, PVC, Micro fiber, Nylon, Satin. Our factory is located in Guangzhou with more than 200 professionals. With a strong sense of marketing and a great skill of handicraft, our design team provides consistently the most actual and trendy collections to our customers.Quality is our faith. With an in-house and out-of-state Quality Control, we make sure every procedure, from sampling to shipping is done under our strict standard in order to fully attain customers' demand.We always do our best to offer the products with the competitive price, excellent quality and comprehensive services to the customers.We sincerely welcome you to visit our factory.Looking forward to our cooperation.