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Thank you ever so much for checking out the Belle Consulting company page. While we have several service ares we specialize in Social Ghosting is where we like to play the most. Social Ghosting™: A social ghost is someone who physically assumes the identity online of the person or organization they are being paid to represent in an authentic voice.Social Ghosting Local Small Business PackagesSocial Ghosting™: A social ghost is someone who physically assumes the identity online of the person or organization they are being paid to represent in an authentic voice to build visibility through an online reputation.Facebook Social GhostingDesign and execute a targeting marketing strategy with the goal of increasing likes and visibility. This strategy would include posting at least 3xs a day, engaging with followers through comments and likes, sharing contact from website or blog.Minimum 90 day commitment at $97.00 each month Twitter Social GhostingDesign and execute a targeted marketing strategy with the goal of increasing followers, connections, and visibility. This strategy would include posting valid content, Retweeting, and using hashtags 10-15xs a day..Minimum 90 day commitment at $97.00 each month
Google Apps
Amazon AWS