Bells Access Control Services

Security Services - Alexandria, NSW, AU

Bells Access Control Services Details

Bells Access Control Services are specialists in securing buildings and protecting those that live and work in them. Our key areas of expertise are Electronic Access Control Systems, Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Surveillance & Detection Technology and Electronic Security for Strata Communities and Business Owners.Our Expertise has been gained from over 30 years involvement with the Security and Technology Industries, with a team that combines skills with genuine concern for the right security solution. We are committed to old fashioned great service combined with the latest digital security systems.We only work only on existing buildings, not new construction, so we take the long term view. Our team is damn good at solving the tough problems!

Bells Access Control Services logo, Bells Access Control Services contact details
Employees: 20 - 49
Location: Alexandria, NSW, AU
Revenue: 1 - 2.5 Million
IP CCTV Systems Building Access Control Systems Intercom Systems Commercial Alarm and Monitoring Security Services Security Systems Services Security and Investigations
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Bells Access Control Services is a leading provider of security services in Alexandria, Australia. With over 30 years of experience in the security and technology industries, the company specializes in securing buildings and protecting those who live and work in them. Their key areas of expertise include Electronic Access Control Systems, Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) Surveillance & Detection Technology, and Electronic Security for Strata Communities and Business Owners. Bells Access Control Services is committed to providing old-fashioned great service combined with the latest digital security systems. They only work on existing buildings, not new construction, and take a long-term view when it comes to their clients' security needs. Their team of experts is dedicated to solving the toughest security problems and providing customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. With a strong focus on customer service and satisfaction, Bells Access Control Services is the go-to choice for anyone looking for reliable and effective security services in the region.

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