Events Services - Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Benelux Events, LLC is an investment company formed in Charlotte, North Carolina and registered to do business in the Netherlands. Benelux Events, LLC's mission is to provide capital and support to startup technology businesses in the BENELUX region of Europe. Initially, Benelux Events, LLC was formed in order to provide support to Premier Athlete Advisers, LLC. The company was tasked with creating an American Football recruiting combine so that the sports agency could recruit European talent. After completing that initial goal, the company has now been repurposed to become an extension if its sister company, Jankytown Holdings, LLC. Jankytown Holdings, LLC is an investment company formed in 2013 primarily focused on providing angel investments in startup companies in the technology, healthcare and food service fields. When the Partners of Jankytown Holdings, LLC wanted to expand their investment portfolio to Europe, the Benelux region generally, and Amsterdam specifically was an attractive option. Amsterdam has proven that it is the Silicon Valley of Europe. Many great technology companies have gotten their start in the area. the Partners of Benelux Events, LLC believe that this region has incredible potential due to the communities attitude towards innovation. More importantly, the region has highly educated, talented innovators who are looking to solve real world problems through technological innovation. Benelux Events, LLC's goal is to partner with innovators in and around Amsterdam in order to find mutually beneficial paths to success.