Higher Education - Berkeley, California, United States
BRIE, located on the Berkeley campus in the San Francisco Bay Area near Silicon Valley, was founded on the premise that there can be no long-term low-tech prosperity for the American economy. Continued leadership in the development, production, and use of new technologies in the United States is the key to America's economic health. BRIE research showed that national comparative advantage is created not revealed, that high-tech trade patterns are massively influenced by domestic policies, that what a nation produces and trades – the composition of domestic production – matters mightily for its growth and security. In the process, BRIE earned respect in Silicon Valley, Washington, Europe, and Asia. More recently, BRIE has turned its attention to the implications of what we termed, the "Platform Economy", which was driven by the rapid, pervasive spread of information technologies to work and competition, both domestically and globally. Although the new forms of competition create a dramatic new potential for economic growth and job creation, they also threaten to generate new stresses in the uneasy relationship between industry, society, and government. Such findings are reflected in BRIE's on-going analyses of industrial and digital production and market competition in Asia, Europe and the U.S., and in its assessments of the changing patterns of global trade and investment, of China's economic ascent, and of the economic impacts of the development and use of new technologies such as advanced information networks. All BRIE research is firmly grounded in a detailed, real-world understanding of technologies, markets, strategies, and policies. Our research typically starts from an examination of specific case studies of industries and institutions – who is doing what, who is winning and losing in the market and why – before generalizing to hypotheses, which are then tested in a variety of ways.