Accounting - , , was started because we were frustrated with the difficulty involved in trying to connect with highly qualified tax professionals. - First of all, there was no way to determine which tax professional had been verified for their qualifications. - Second, there was no price transparency about how much tax professionals charged for their advice. - And third, it was difficult to know what kinds of specializations the tax professionals had experience with. was founded to address the challenges above and to make it easy for consumers to connect with highly qualified Tax Professionals. - It allows only verified CPAs, Enrolled Agents and IRS approved Tax Professionals to enroll. - Second, the consumers can know instantly how much they will be charged if they decide to avail services of the Tax Professional. - Third, consumers can find tax professionals who are trained in specialized skills. Afterall, we go to specialized doctors when we need medical attention. Should we not go to specialized Tax professionals, when in need?
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