Higher Education - Cayey, Cayey, Puerto Rico
The Beta Beta Beta Biology Honorary Society is a professional, honorary entity that brings together students, professors, and others from the community who share a genuine interest in the biological sciences and excellent performance in their daily activities.This Society was founded in 1922 in the United States. In 1974 the Zeta Epsilon Chapter was founded at the University of Puerto Rico in Cayey.Each TriBetan, in addition to obtaining permanent affiliation, becomes a faithful defender of the purposes of society: to promote interest in biology; develop leadership among students and cooperate in establishing an atmosphere of collaboration, learning and research.Among the activities that are carried out, the District Convention is held annually where all the Chapters of the Island participate. This Convention culminates with the awarding of scientific papers presented by the students.TriBetans know what they want, live in the moment, and take advantage of every minute of their science education. They are dynamic group of young people like you, who accept the biological challenge every day and succeed. Study, improve yourself and share the experience of being TriBetan.