Civic & Social Organization - Greenbelt, Maryland, United States
Bethel Campus Fellowship-Ministry is an interdenominational organization established to proclaim the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ on college campuses. The global mission of BCF is soul winning, discipleship and preparation of dependable young ministers that will serve the next generation. We are determined by His grace to fulfill the charge that Paul gave to Timothy when he wrote in 2Tim 2:2 ‘And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others'. We mentor converts until they become reliable tools in God's hand for the mentoring of other converts. Bethel Campus Fellowship which was inaugurated on September 3, 2005 has grown tremendously and is now very well established in many Colleges in the States of Georgia, North Carolina, and Maryland, and in Canada. Because of the grace that God has given to us in touching lives, BCF is determined to plant fellowship centers in all the colleges in United States and Canada by the year 2050. "Leading Students to Christ and preparing them to become reliable men and women that God can entrust with His Word for the next generation"
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