Events Services - , Shanghai, China
We are an experience led productions collective, with the sole purpose of empowering people in shaping the future. We curate thought leading ideas, speakers, performances and interactions. We strive to root a fertile landscape of positive initiatives in Shanghai. We host several events every month, where out of the wall experiences and fresh insights are presented.BTB是一个注重体验的策划团队。我们唯一的目标是激发人们塑造未来的愿望。BTB集结思想领袖、演讲者、志愿者,希望通过表演和互动的方式灌溉上海这片活力沃土。我们每月不定期的举办各种活动,让疯狂的想法和出奇的见解碰撞出无限火花