Writing & Editing - , ,
Style is universal, and indefinable. Style transcends continents, trends and history. Style can derive from sources as varied as the current and past work of artists and makers, the ancient decorative works and decoration of the earliest peoples, global and historical decor trends derived from source, or reinterpreted by local artisans and craftsmen. We are dedicated to sourcing and showcasing decorative objects, artworks, furniture and jewellry which appeals to OUR sense of style. It may not be all to your taste; no-one can claim a monopoly on what truly represents style. But above all, we are eclectic and open in our brief, and welcome input and fresh ideas and products, either alluding to the themes on this site, or completely divergent from them – if you are an artist, designer or maker looking to showcase and market your vision, we would be happy to engage with you. We are, in particular, honoured to be associated with the work, vision and products of the /A!kunta Project. BHB Sourcing aims to facilitate, not dictate.