Pharmaceuticals - , ,
Bhutan Pharmaceuticals, a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2000 of the Kingdom of Bhutan. In technical collaboration with leading pharmaceutical companies, we intend to deliver high standard pharmaceutical products at a national and international level.An environment friendly facility for production and access to world class pharmaceutical products, Bhutan Pharmaceuticals deals with manufacturing and supplies. The locally manufactured products under Bhutan Pharmaceuticals will be available for distribution within the country and exported to the target markets internationally.Bhutan Pharmaceutical and Medical Supplies, a separate business unit under Bhutan Pharmaceuticals deals with wholesale and supplies of world class pharmaceuticals products from Merck Group.Bhutan Pharmaceuticals with the technical assistance from their international partners intends to do capacity building in the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector in Bhutan and generate employment opportunities for the Bhutanese.Replacement of imported pharmaceuticals in Bhutan by the manufacturing unit is a top priority and increasing exports to support in earning foreign reserve for the country is the focus of Bhutan Pharmaceuticals.Mrs. Sonam Choden Dorji and Mr. Wangdi Jamyang are the Directors/Promoters of Bhutan Pharmaceuticals. The head office is located at Thimphu and the manufacturing plant is located at Samtse (Southern part of Bhutan).