Internet - New Delhi, Delhi, India
BIDCHEMZ.COM is a Revolutionary Online B2B Platform that aims at Digitizing the Chemical's Raw Materials Supply Chain in the B2B space.BIDCHEMZ is trying to help Buyers/Sellers of Commodity Chemicals viz. Polymers(Rubber & Plastics). Petrochemicals and raw materials for fertilizer manufacturing to discover Prices in real-time, anytime. This platform will work 24X 7. Most often sellers and buyers do not get the right price or are not aware of the right prices when they need the most. Moreover, many fake and dubious buyers & sellers make the selling & buying decisions among genuine sellers and buyers more complicated. This platform ensures that both the sellers and buyers listed are genuine and can view, bid, and get the right prices at both the user's end in real-time and also saves your time which would otherwise be wasted on prospecting and validating.Why BIDCHEMZBIDCHEMZ increases the Reach of your Market / Sourcing beyond your traditional Players without having to fear any global calamities or pandemics challenging your operations as your Supply Chain remains intact at all times as you get a wider choice of Players.BIDCHEMZ provides to you only those players who are currently available to you IN Real-time.Not only that, by using BIDCHEMZ sellers can increase their Capacity Utilization by converting their Dead inventory into Sales by moving their excess inventory through our Virtual Warehouse.At the Sellers End, Precious Working Capital is unlocked –reducing the cost of inventory and simultaneously freeing your storage space regularly.Only genuine and serious players can operate on BIDCHEMZ as the platform allows only Bonafide buyers & sellers to open and list their products.Reduces wastage of your Sales /Purchase manpower's precious time BIDCHEMZ helps in keeping your operations running at all times