Health, Wellness & Fitness - Rome, Lazio, Italy
Il libro da 10 anni stabilmente nei primi dieci in classifica in Italia , già primo in Spagna, un record assoluto e TRA I PRIMI 100 LIBRI IN SPAGNOLO AL MONDO. Potrai dimagrire e/o aumentare di massa muscolare, migliorare il benessere, l' autostima ed evitando così una vita in palestra senza il benchè minimo progresso. Abbiamo introdotto tecniche innovative come appunto il BIIOSystem, il COMPRESSION TRAINING, il GLUTE HAM RAISE, SQUAT SUMO e le rivoluzionarie alimentazioni PALEO DIET (con l' intervento dell' autore, Loren Cordain, foto con il nostro staff) DIGIUNO MODIFICATO E ACIDO-BASE. English: "The science of natural body building-BIIOSystem" The most popular Italian system in our country. Since 2001 it's the first, without interruption, among the bodybuilding best sellers' hit in Italy. It was reissued ten time in the years for an overall of 20.000 copies sold. The BIIOSystem method is supported by a book and is officially taught in the degree course of Motor Sciences at the University of Turin; the system is also used as a degree's subject in Motor Sciences and Physiotherapy in every Italian University. In 2008 it was introduced at the Third International Congress of Preventive Medicine and Healthy Aging in Milan, as system for physical anti-age activity. This method was awarded in the Word Cup of Natural Bodybuilding and was used by two Italian champions of horizontal bench and by the Italian champion of modern Pentathlon. It's actually used by the Italian national team of beach volley, windsurf, and swimming as well as by the Spanish national team of track cycling. It's also implemented in soccer, volleyball, athletics (world record high jump over 45) and martial arts. Migliorare la salute, la forma fisica, l' autostima e il benessere delle persone
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