Hospital/Clinic - Richmond, VA, US
On January 24, 2006, my family and I went from watching the news to being the news. It was on this day that my niece Jennifer Kesse went missing and as we soon learned, she had been abducted, taken against her will.The memories of that day, the sorrow and pain, the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness left me overwhelmed by the enormity of the problems of injustice, my mind drifted into the following questions: • God, why is this happening? • Why all the suffering and death? • Why me? • Where are you, God? • How can you let this happen?Helplessness and hopelessness are fertile soils for these questions. But are they the right questions to be asking? I decided to turn off the news and pull away from the negativity by centering my heart and thoughts on the One who changed my life. The One who gave me His perspective on how to live and love the people in my life. To focus on what is truly important and valuable in my life - people and relationships. The result? A two-word purpose statement - Inspiring Hope. Inspiring Hope brought into focus, with clarity my purpose in life at this moment in time. I decided to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing from my heart the hope that I received and the transformation I experienced. How would I make a difference? How could I share the hope I now have? How could I reach as many people as possible? By writing and creating a community through Stay tuned in!