Biotech Desk Details
Biotech Desk specializes in the area of recombinant DNA technology, DNA libraries, metagenomics, protein crystallography, custom synthesis of building blocks, custom and catalog antibodies. The company has the extended support of the diaspora of the Indian scientific community advising and counseling us in our activities and decisions. We have built a formidable customer base in India and understand the needs of our customers.
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["91-80-28523423","1300 792 218 ","040-27017477","91-720-761-6167","040-65261562","+41 (044) 805 76 81","+91-40-27017477","0800 444 157","91 40 27016168 ","+302-836-3880","1-800-858-797","+91 - 40-21552827","+91(8418)320996","+33 1394 41530","+91 40 23000512","+54 (11) 4556-1600","+91-7207116161","+20-3-544-4736","+43 7201 15577","+91-9550029559","+91 40 23000211","+91 9948298522","91-40-27017477","09335260534","7207116161"," 040 6591 6167 ","+91 44 2243 2622","+91 406 591 6167","+91-7207616167","9550029559","+91-8010177771","+91-40-65916167","8004366637","+91 40 23000212","0755-86196680","+91-8795022229","91-80- 4014 4014","7176167/7153528","+91-40-6662-7200","8004363842","011-41354257","40 27017477 ","(40) 23772631","+91 9550029559","040 6591 6167"]
Hyderabad, Telangana, India