Biotechnology - Ningbo Shi, Zhejiang Sheng, China
BioVillage位于国家级经济技术开发区—-宁波杭州湾新区。居杭州湾跨海大桥南岸,是上海、宁波、杭州、苏州等大城市的几何中心。凭借优越的地理位置,和各届政府和新老新区人的共同努力,新区经济和各项社会事业发展迅猛,是中国华东地区正在冉冉升起的一颗璀璨明珠,以及各行各业有志之士创新创业的热土。 BioVillage, a biotech park under newly constructing, is located in Ningbo's Hangzhou Bay New Zone, southern bank of Hangzhou Bay Bridge,where it is the center of Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Suzhou. It's one of the National-level Economic Development Zones. Being called as the Dazzling Pearl of Eastern China, the world has witnessed its rapid growing, and it is appealing more and more brightest talents. BioVillage占地16.7公顷,将建设25万平方米集创业孵化楼、企业独栋、GMP中试实验室、分析测试平台、实验动物平台等组成的国际化、花园式科技园区。 BioVillage covers 16.7 hectares in total, in which 250,000㎡ of buildings will be constructed including incubator, office buildings, state-of-the-art GMP pilot laboratory, cutting-edge test & analysis platform and SPF experimental animal platform…, etc. The goal is to create a science park with garden style. BioVillage通过与康龙化成新药技术有限公司的紧密合作,入园创业者将享有零距离、专业化、国际一流的外包服务,让你以更低的创业成本、更短的创业周期达成创业成功。 Fortunately having invited Pharmaron joining in the park, you will be offered most professional, internationalized, first-class outsourcing service seamlessly, which undoubtedly save your cost and time dramatically. BioVillage的服务团队将为创业者提供真正的一站式"无忧服务":包括但不限于注册、开户、实验室装修、人员招聘和培训、政府关系和资助申请、融资、专利申请等,而你只需要专注于你的项目! Also you will be offered one-stop service. we help with any problems you may meet, e.g. company registration, bank account opening, laboratory decoration, recruitment and training, government relationship and fund application, financing matters, and patent application…, etc. What you have to do is to focus on your project development。 只要你的项目足够优秀,BioVillage专门设立的"生物医药产业发展基金"及其合作基金将积极为你提供风险投资,而且你和你的团队在投后仍将保有控股地位。 A good solution for any fund needs is schemed out: a professional VC specializing in investments in early-stage companies only in the park will be established soon. Please don't worry! You will still hold the controlling stake.