City Government/Municipal Government - N/A, FL, US
Consider this: It's common knowledge that African American women are dying during pregnancy and childbirth at 3x the rate of white women. Yes, things like poverty and inadequate access to healthcare play a big role, but think about where many of these women seek care during their pregnancy. Community hospitals that may lack quality care that are in neighborhoods disadvantaged by segregation. Imagine these women seeing that they have options outside of just the hospital. Imagine if they saw women who look like them giving birth safely at home or at a birth center in the care of a midwife. Imagine if by seeing those images, that they decide to research different options for their care and learned that midwifery care is not only covered by many insurances but that that care is actually significantly more affordable than the hospital they were considering…just imagine. A world where our little pebble of documenting births can make waves on the mortality rate of mothers across the country or the world. How amazing would that be?I'm not saying that having babies in hospitals are bad and the solution is home and birth center births. I had all three of mine in a hospital with an epidural. I'm saying that my hope is that women of color know there are options out there, and what better way to bring that awareness than through the imagery of birth.