Internet - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Buzzwords like engagement, customer orientation or competence you won't find here. These things are natural at bitgrip. We love to talk about time. The time we take in order to understand precisely what our customers really need. As grown senior consultants and senior developers we are deeply convinced that a successful project nowadays means more than ‘in time' and ‘in budget'. We count on faithful and long-term customer relations and we enable our project partners being a ‘star' in their companies. We communicate honestly and love to work with all kind of stakeholders. We also make transparent which tasks we fulfill with the assistance from other partners. And yes - of course we do want to earn money. These companies already benefit from our work: Axel-Springer publishin house, Coca Cola, Deutsche Telekom, ebay, Hamburger Sparkasse, KSB AG, Media Broadcast,, Springer Nature, T-Systems, TollCollect u.v.m.
Atlassian Cloud
Google Tag Manager
Amazon AWS
Mobile Friendly