Management Consulting - Pearland, TX, US
Why choose BKJ Management Consulting, LLC?BKJ's founder and president, Shanita Johnson's business mantra is; "It doesn't take a lot of people to get the job done, it takes the Right people." She brings 20 years of experience where she has traveled throughout the Information Technology sector succeeding in multiple positions with various challenges. She is a certified Project Management Professional with a degree in Computer Information Systems. This strong leadership also includes an expert in software architecture development in the retail energy and oil/gas industries. BKJ's chief architect has over 25 years of experience designing and developing innovative solutions for a varied list of Fortune 500 companies, which includes a provisional Smart Grid solutions patent.BKJ Global Management Consulting, LLC was established to assist in the growth of for-profit and non-profit businesses. We take your passion, your organization's purpose, and create a plan to execute strategic goals and objectives. We develop and improve processes, increase profits and productivity, as well as decrease operational costs.
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