Events Services - , Ontario, Canada
We have found that most events in South-Western Ontario are run by not-for-profit organizations. Therefore, every dollar they save can go back into the local community and benefit everyone living in the area. Whether you're a local not-for-profit, or someone running a major event, we can help.We currently host and promote a yearly rodeo event called "Norfolk Ram Rodeo". We know the importance of keeping events costs as low as possible, while hiring safe and reliable contractors to help make a successful event. Our biggest challenge has been to find affordable and safe bleachers to rent. As a result, we decided to purchase a set of mobile bleachers that we can rent out to other local events in southwestern Ontario. In a very short time, we became the go to company for bleacher rentals in and around Toronto. The overwhelming demand resulted in our expansion south of the border and we now offer mobile bleacher rentals in New York, Georgia and South Carolina. If you are looking for bleachers, give us a call. We would be happy to help.
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