Individual & Family Services - , ,
Blind Mums Connect was set up to link visually impaired mums from all over the UK, to share information and support one another. The organisation has grown out of an email list set up 10 years ago, which became increasingly busy, and local meet ups were arranged from time to time. two years ago, a group of very dedicated mums created the management committee,and Blind Mums Connect was officially founded. Since then, the organisation has grown rapidly, and we now have over 100 full members, with more joiningus every week.Listening to our members, it is clear that there is a real need for groups where we can chat to other VI mums, and this brings tremendous benefits, interms of having the knowledge and confidence to tackle the every day challenges we share. Of course, connecting through local gatherings, phone groupsor forums, also provides the chance to meet a wonderful range of new friends. As VI mums, it is fantastic to share encouragement, reassurance and reallife experiences and tips with others in a similar situation and who can really understand. This is why we keep our Email List, Facebook Group and Skypegroups "closed", for members only, to provide that private space.We welcome associate members, (partners, dads, friends and professionals who support our aims), and some of them make a great contributionto the volunteer team. But our committee members must all be VI mums, as well as our group facilitators and forum admins. That's because everything wedo is about facilitating peer support and information sharing. Traditionally, support for visually impaired people in the UK has been very much dominatedby sighted "experts", and whilst we respect the work many professionals do, and regularly signpost members to other support and services, we feel thereis no substitute for peer support.