- Northampton, England, United Kingdom
Want more business and to make a lasting positive impact on the local economy?BNI helps business owners get more business through structured, proven profitable networking. In the last 12 months, BNI helped its 13,000 members across the UK and Ireland generate over £304 million worth of new business, making a huge difference to their annual turnover.BNI Pioneer is the first, exclusively online BNI Chapter in Northamptonshire. It's made up of a group of dedicated local business leaders, where there is only one person per profession. Our members meet at 9.30am every Wednesday.BNI supports our members to be brilliant at passing referral business to one another. We operate on the philosophy of 'Givers Gain' - if I give business to you, you will want to find business for me. Being active in BNI is like having up to 50 sales people working for you, because your fellow members will be carrying your cards and referring your business to people they meet, without you having to pay them any salaries or commission. Successful businesses depend on 'word-of-mouth' marketing as the best form of promotion there is. BNI Pioneer provides a structured, supportive, business environment in which groups of SMEs can get together to network, learn valuable new marketing skills and develop the strong personal relationships that lead to trust and the consequent generation of significant business for each other.