Maritime - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Boat Equity is an online boat syndication management program. We make shared boat ownership work.Visit us now at vessel is owned by the owners in the boat syndicate, not a third party. The software defines who owns what fraction of the vessel. A unique feature of Boat Equity is that it caters for unequal ownership of a vessel too. For example, a vessel could be owned by two people but one person owns 1/3 and the other 2/3 of the boat.Self ManagedBoat Equity is based on owners self managing the syndicate to avoid expensive management contracts with third party companies, and to retain control of their own boat. This is a proven concept with many private syndicates in operation in marinas around the country. Boat Equity recommends that three roles be appointed within the boat syndicate as follows:Maintenance Party Arranges maintenance on the vesselAccounts Party Manages the syndicate bank account and expensesAdministration Party Manages the administration tasks including registration, insurance, ownership register, etcBooking CalendarThe Boat Equity software has a unique booking calendar for owners to schedule their usage. The calendar is point weighted in order to smooth out demand for the vessel in peak times like weekends and public holidays. Each owner has a monthly booking allowance which is calculated as a proportion of 600 points. So for example, a 1/3 share owner would have an allowance of 200 points per month. Each owner is free to use their points in one consecutive booking or in smaller bookings throughout the month. Standard bookings can be made up to 2 months in advance. On the 1st day of the month, bookings open for the following month. Bookings can also be made on the day if the boat is available, simply check the calendar, make your booking, and head to the boat.
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