- Bridgwater, England, United Kingdom
The best business is referred business - That's why Business over Breakfast international (Or BoB clubs as we are better known around the World ) really do work for our members.You can get new customers easier and quicker than your competition. Securing your exclusive place at your chosen BoB club means you block out the competition, increasing the possiblity of gaining quality referrals.Our members are consistently referring business to each other, so you could have up to 30+ members promoting and recommending your products and services by word-of-mouth to their contacts.As well as improving your presentation skills; boosting your confidence and gaining referrals, you will form strong relationships and synergies with professional business owners who are there to help you.BoB club members get to know, like and trust each other and are happy to recommend each others products and services, generating quality referrals, for you to convert into good quality business.Our fortnightly meetings provide the platform to network in a professionally structured environment that is relaxed and pressure free.