Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
BodyFITT is a specialized personal training programme designed around you as an individual. I am a fully qualified personal trainer with extra qualifications in circuit training, core stability, pilates, Tide and nutrition balanced diets. I offer a free 30 minute consultation so I can understand your objectives and to answer any questions you may have. I also can provide you details to related services, including specialist centers for pelvic floor training, healthy food delivery services and nutritional suppliers whom I work closely with. F... stands for frequency I.. stands for intensityT... stands for typeT... stands for timeSome people feel the only way to get back into shape and back to full health is to hit the gym and work amongst the savvy trainers pumping iron, however this could not be further from the truth.Outdoor training and indoor training can offer the same results it is simply down to F.I.T.TThe more you work out the faster you see results, you need to push yourself with intensity, you need to know what type of training gives you a buzz and above all know how long you can last.