Primary/secondary Education - Boort, Victoria, Australia
Boort District P-12 School is a small rural P12 school located in North-Central Victoria and draws enrolments from a wide geographic area including Quambatook and Pyramid Hill. The Boort District P-12 School has embraced a variety of whole school structures including assemblies, sports days, cultural and social events, and parent-teacher interviews. The school has a number of distinct groupings based on curriculum and social groupings, such as a F-4, F-6, stand alone Year 7 with increased English and Maths time, a vertical 8-10 curriculum and VCE / VET / VCAL structures. The VCE median study score has consistently been at 30 or above. The school provides students with flexible learning spaces, state of the art digital facilities and infrastructure, expansive play areas and a sports stadium with performing arts facilities.