Religious Institutions - , ,
Hello and a warm welcome to Born Again Christians. My name is Peter J Gordon from Helensburgh in Scotland. It is a deep burden and consern is recovering the true gospel of Jesus Christ and returning as a whole to the biblical mandate to endure sound doctrine. It is imperative that I becoming Born Again isn't just rattling off a sinner's prayer or being in a meeting where you go up at an alter call. It's important that when you look at the content of the gospel that you understand and accept it is God alone through Christ Jesus that saves you from eternal suffering and destruction. It is imperative you find a good Bible teaching church that will preach the gospel. You may have come to this site out of interest or conviction of being a sinner. This conviction is from God and is enabling you to see and recognize your sin. In the future I will be adding my own massages but please listen and watch the recommended media and I pray you will be blessed by them and convicted.
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