Market Research - Seattle, Washington, United States
Bosma Research International (BRI) was founded as a full-service firm providing a wide range of custom research, organizational consulting, and strategic planning services to businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies. BRI operated with a core group of equally competent professionals and project teams of 1 to 20 professionals as a prime or on a subcontractor basis. ● Developed and implemented proprietary data analysis methods (Satisfier and Dissatisfier Profile™) to measure the ROI of potential service-related changes on the satisfaction, retention, and loyalty of specific market groups. Clients identified actionable strategies for key customer groups at a reduced cost, often building upon their existing performance measurement systems. ● Conducted competitive positioning studies for Fortune clients that (1) identified the specific elements driving customer satisfaction and loyalty within specific market segments, and (2) assessed the company's competitive position in the marketplace. Clients retained existing customers, regained market share, and reduced marketing costs leading to increased growth and profitability. ● Implemented studies that examined both the short-term and long-term impact of major organizational change efforts, e.g., what have people learned, what people are doing differently, and how have these changes altered performance throughout the organization.