Broadcast Media - , Delhi, India
Established in the year 2000, Brand Promoters is the noticeable Service Provider of Advertising Wall Paintings, Wall Painting Advertising, Wall Painting Advertising Services, Wall Painting Services, Highway Wall Painting Advertising, Wall Painting Advertising on Highway, Digital Wall Painting Advertising, Wall Painting Advertising Digital, High Wall Painting, Advertising Wall Painting All Over India, Advertising Wall Painting Rural Area, Outdoor Advertising etc.Advertisement in Rural Areas – Indian Village AdvertisingThe development is at its pace and the rural areas are transforming into urban one. But it is not developed as urban areas , there is scarcity of resources than any developed town or city. When it comes to advertising in Indian village it becomes a great challenge. As almost 67% of population resides in Indian village we can not ignore them if we want the product to be distributed and known all over the sub continent .Efforts should be made to make villagers aware of different option available for a single product , like one product of different brands, they should be made aware of the term brand and the brand value of any product . This can be done by adopting various methods of promotions. Though promoting or advertising in the Indian village is can turn up to be more challenging because people there do not bother about such things, what they want is that their basic amenities should be full filled and elementary things should be available to them.Another great option to make people cognizant of the product is wall painting. Walls can be painted attractively and amusingly for the people so that it should be so alluring that it can make people to stop and read it. Bus painting or any vehicle painting can be done. As in Indian village there are buses or some particular vehicles for transport , these can be painted winsomely to attract the mass towards it .WALL PAINTING ADVERTISING PAN INDIA : CALL - 9215811440, 9068686868
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