Health, Wellness & Fitness - , ,
Transformation in Action will lead you on a journeyfrom mediocrity to extraordinary success by teaching youto live consciously, improve your attitude, and enrich yourlife through the Law of Attraction. With the Five Pillars ofHealth®—healthy mind, body, family, society, and finances—as its structural framework, this book will help you achievethe balance necessary to create abundance and prosperity.Discover how traditional psychology sets the stage forthe increasingly popular Law of Attraction. Learn howto be rid of negative thinking forever while realizing thatforgiveness and self- love are well within your reach. Sharein the inspirational stories and candid interviews of someof today's most financially successful and spiritually evolvedpeople.Literally, transform your health by incorporating ancientEastern philosophies as well as today's cutting-edge healingmodalities. Most important, embrace your higher self andallow your true potential to unfold before your very eyes.
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