College/University - Waterloo, ON, CA
For over 12 years, Breakthroughs has been providing Assessments and Corrective Therapy to clients in K-W and other Ontario communities."Like a set of muscles the brain responds to use or disuse by either growing or decaying."[1] We stimulate and exercise specific areas of the brain. This leads to strengthening the weakened systems. Our assessments cover up to 27 brain skills (including cognitive, memory, judgment, problem solving and creative skills) as well as auditory and visual processing. They also show how individual brains prefers to learn. ie. Via eyes, ears, or hands. Assessments are done one on one, and require 3-4 hours. StudentsThe assessment for JK to Gr.3 covers 12 brain skills for early learning of reading and understanding numbers. Additionally, there is a full battery of developmental assessments included. After Gr.3 we add more brain skills into the assessment as they become developmentally appropriate. Older students are assessed on 27 brain skills needed for school success. Most of the students at Breakthroughs have an above average IQ. Their results often show large gaps in brain skill functions creating difficulties in school and at home. Clients can have both gifted and low scores. We help create a balance leading to more effective learning. Students are equipped for learning subject matter, analytical thinking, creativity and learning how to learn.The 27 skills we assess for post secondary students and adults provide the foundation needed for school, employment or entrepreneurial success. Our exercises specifically target brain skills needing development. This results in less stress and improved functioning. Clients are equipped for learning new material, analytical thinking, creativity and problem solving. This impacts work and personal relationships. About one third of Breakthrough's clients are adults. The brain's restorative capabilities are amazing. It's never too late to improve your foundational brain skills.
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