Fund-raising - , ,
Breathe for Olivia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization that drives awareness and raises funds for finding the CURE to cystic fibrosis. Breathe for Olivia was founded in 2009, one year after Olivia was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. As parents, we do our best to help keep our daughter healthy by making sure she does her treatments and takes her medications. We assist her to every appointment and participate in her care treatment plans by making sure every decision made is the best choice for Olivia. We openly communicate with her and provide her with unconditional love and support. But as parents, we want to do more. We want to find the CURE for cystic fibrosis and free our daughter of this life long complicated disease. With the support of our family and friends team "Breathe for Olivia" came to life at a local 2009 Great Strides event. Together our family and friends and even complete strangers, made the commitment to walk with us and help raise funds for CF. But that's not all they did for us! They provided us with an army full of people who showered us with encouragement, support, friendship, resources, faith, and never ending love. Each year team Breathe for Olivia grows bigger and stronger. Our main goal is to increase the awareness of Cystic Fibrosis and of course help to raise funds that will be put into research and finding the CURE to cystic fibrosis. Team Breathe for Olivia wants to thank everyone for visiting this page and hope you consider joining our army in the fight against Cystic Fibrosis.
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