Real Estate - , Alberta, Canada
Our first priority as your property manager will be to do a full assessment of your needs including:\\Development of a governance model\\Teach the Board roles and responsibilities in line with current legislation\\Development and introduction to a comprehensive vendor list\\Development and enforcement of Bylaws\\Paperwork\\ \\\Throughout our partnership, Bridgegate will:\\Provide regular building and ground inspections\\Provide fiscal management account services with our partner Servus Credit Union\\Handle communication from and to owners and vendors\\Prepare, attend and report to Board meetings and the AGM\\Notify residents and collect annual fees\\Ensure all appropriate insurance\\Facilitate the application of the Encumbrance Agreements and Bylaws\\Monitor and inspect maintenance work, addressing conditions and deficiencies should they arise\\Arrange and coordinate all landscaping and winter maintenance\\Collect and deposit funds payable to the Association in trust, for the Association\\Pay from funds held in trust\\Insurance premiums\\Utility and service accounts\\Other sums as directed by the Board
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