Management Consulting - Vadodara, Gujarat, India
We conduct real-time Interventions at the workplace, Optimization of the entire Value Chain-Product Stream is our scope; Business Intelligence and Marketing right up to Engineering, Manufacturing, energy Management to Receivable Management and Contract Closure. Collimating the Workforce's efforts has been the underlying drive behind our interactions and endeavors. Want your workforce to be Trained by Industry seasoned Veterans? Get in touch with us. We pride ourselves as self made mentors and Hands on Coaches. We aren't decorated thru some TTT certificate conferred over a week of 'workshop'. Coaching is a serious job. Training does not happen over an 8 hour workshop. It is a process of hand holding over a long duration. Persistence, focus and workplace practice under our personal supervision- is our interpretation of any 'Training'. BridjSkillsIT practices applying all that is necessary to first consolidate the Organization's talent and then enable the force mobilize the forte of each member to bring in the desired thrust in the team effort. Backed by decades of sheer hands on multi cultural and global experience of each one of the BridjSkillsIT team, we work with simple and common goals - to meet our Client's KPI.