Chemicals - Geleen, Limburg, Netherlands
BrigH2 : The Renewable Alternative BrigH2 plans to start a 50 MW gasification unit to produce 6300 mtpa #renewable hydrogen, pure bioCO2 and Biochar. This Demonstration plant will be situated on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus and will serve the industrial users on the Chemelot site, where the technology is suitable to produce Fuel Cell grade Hydrogen for the mobility sector.The project is in the feasibility phase at the moment. The location of the plant on the Chemelot campus fits exactly with the circularity target of the campus and the site. The feedstock will be torrefied biomass, where torrefaction does create a significant extension of the area where the biomass is gathered. Torrefaction also creates an uniform feedstock for the delicate process, reducing the investment costs per ton of renewable hydrogen to the max, but has proven itself in the quality of the syngas produced and the potential for uninterrupted continues production.Next to the hydrogen production, BrigH2 also provides a long term sustainable route for CCU processes due to the biogenic origin of the CO2 produced, as well as negative CO2 emissions by connecting to the CCS infrastructure under development on the Chemelot site. Alternatively the CO2 prevents an additional fossil CO2 emission once applied in greenhouses. The Biochar is of exceptional quality and suitable for a large number of applications now dependent on petrochemical coke of low sulfur. The technology is developed by Torrgas in Groningen on a 1 MW scale.