Mining & Metals - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Bright pro trading and projects (pty) Ltd is a junior group consulting consists of a team ofhighly dedicated and experienced environmental scientists, engineers, project managersand geologists doing excellent work throughout a variety of projects worldwide. The majorityof our projects are currently in South Africa. The company was established in Johannesburgduring year 2018.Bright pro is one of the young developing firms focusing on the provision of geological,environmental, geotechnical engineering, mining and petroleum services. We haveexpertise in underground and surface geological services, exploration management, mineralresources, technical reporting (SAMREC, JORC and N143 101), mining rights and permitapplications, geotechnical engineering, mining (provision of experienced team of miners andvamping).The company has extensive experience over different commodities nationally andinternationally. These includes coal, gold, iron ore, PGMs, copper, Zinc and Uranium.Through the vast experience and knowledge we are committed to providing our clients withhigh quality delivery and cost effective projects. Bright pro is subdivided into differentventures that are geology, mining and petroleum.We employ highly qualified, talented and experienced professional because we believe indelivering quality to our clients. Bright pro is a 100% black owned company that is managedby young experienced professionals. Bright pro also sub-contracts work to a network ofspecialists to support our excellent service delivery.