Legal/Attorney - Boston, Massachusetts, US
When we say "Good People, Great Lawyers," we mean it. Not only is BHPK Law widely considered one of the top litigation firms in the Commonwealth — featuring award-winning, preeminent trial attorneys whose settlement and litigation results speak for themselves — but there’s another distinguishing reason for our unprecedented success rate over the past three decades: we care about the results that we achieve for our clients as much as they do. When you come to BHPK, you will be represented by attorneys who genuinely listen, value your situation, and will do whatever it takes to deliver exemplary results. Our attorneys are former prosecutors, public servants, and seasoned litigators. In addition, BHPK Law also offers a host of other services to our clients, in the form of experienced legal trainers, advisors, and strategists. We also have a deep tradition of public service and giving back to the community, setting us apart from our peers. We invite you to get to know us, and learn more about our history of excellence.
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