Chemicals - , ,
Project experience in Fermentation, Distillation, Feedhouse/Dryhouse, Utilities, & Loadout.Distillation projects include:USP System Installation – Consulting and commissioning supervision of 50MGPY USP SystemNitrogen Scrubber Acidity Reduction – 15MGPY increase in existing USP system Beerstill Rectifier Quality Improvement – Reduced B-Grade Processing cost by 10%, through reducing impurities from overhead and draw tray products and in turn creating a higher value fuel product Mash Preparation and FermentationRed Star replacement yeast study and implementationHammer Milling Optimization - Increased milling capacity by 15% with low capital investmentsMash Prep Enzyme Reduction - Decreased enzyme usage by 5% via process parameter scrutinyFermentation Efficiency Improvement - Increased fermentation efficiency by 3% by means of improved density control and fermentation kineticsUtilities290KKPH Package Natural Gas Boiler DesignBoiler BMS and CCS UpgradesFeedwater Makeup Treatment Systems: reverse osmosis, softeners, storage, and deaeratorPlant Compressed Air SystemsNitrogen GenerationCondensate Management SystemsCondensate Recovery Systems Design of and life cycle cost comparison of $20MM Gas Turbine(s) and waste heat boiler system 50% Caustic tank Plant Process Water Heat IntegrationWireless Technologies IntegrationPerformed Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)Dried Distillers Grains / FeedhouseRotary Dryer Optimization - Captured 15% of underutilized fiber drying capacity, establishing a +1 system, and reducing curtailment. Increased final product moisture & density, raising revenue by 5% Rotary Dryer Improved Burner Management Systems by clarifying first out indication, increasing gas fired equipment uptimePellet conveying systemsRotary Dryer OutagesCentrifuge Rebuilds and Upgrade SystemsLoadoutUSP Blending SystemsDDG Barge Loading and Access