Real Estate - Los Angeles, California, United States
I started a business in my brother's apartment in Los Angeles and tested our product across a variety of cities, states, and climates around the nation. Now we are returning to Los Angeles to build housing. The in between is detailed below.PART I | Apple CountryThe goal was to improve the operations of a property in Washington state that was built using low income housing tax credits.I was shocked with our journey.We evicted drug dealers and gang members.We found guns and drugs.THOUGH WE CREATED REAL CHANGE!!We created five jobs, housed twenty one new families, and it prepared us for our next chapter: The Midwest.PART II | Our First Winter in MichiganOver the course of a year we bought as many apartments we could find in and around the state capitol of Michigan.Inspired by Sam Zell we sought out all the distressed inventory we could find. Two buildings averaged a 28% occupancy for the last decade.Another came out of bankruptcy and was delivered operationally distressed.The Result?We renovated and housed 250+ families comprised of homeless veterans, 55 and over retirees, and some political refugees.We hired, trained, and coached 75+ people. We take Impact seriously.And every once in awhile... You would catch me plowing a mountain of snow at 5 A.M. or you would catch Gustavo falling through a ceilingor Adan and I laying some shingles on the carportsGood times. We hit 90% occupancy by Christmas and marched onto spring to finish executing the business planAs the summer came our story started taking us back to Los Angeles.PART III | Los AngelesThe opening scene is in Los Angeles.The city I was born in.I came back to my city only to find it cluttered, distressed, and even more chaotic.A city divided by its affordable housing needs torn about the reality of temporary displacement.A society that has social, environmental, and fiscal needs to be addressedWe want to helpWe want to build things that areBueno.