Environmental Services - Floyd, Virginia, United States
Buried Horizons Archaeological Consulting (BHAC) is anything but average! We provide quality-driven support to environmental and heritage resource firms that need that "extra" boost to deliver value-added services to their clients. In today's ever-changing world of contracting, it may not be possible for a firm to hire archaeologists with the gumption to tackle hard project issues, have sufficient staff to meet a fast-approaching deadline, or come across an array of other potential project show-stoppers. Not a problem! BHAC helps fill in the gaps so your project can move forward.Our motto, "Go far. Dig deep. Discover!" is our mantra. When hired, we will go the extra mile to ensure that we deliver you with top-quality service - and we also mean this literally - as with any traditionally trained shovel-bum as the saying goes, "Have trowel - will travel!" When challenged with more complex projects, we "dig deep" into our training, skills, and experience to confidently address the issues you face with out-of-the-box creative solutions. Ultimately, with each new venture, we discover new and improved approaches and efficiencies so we can refine our processes to help reduce costs to our clients. If you have found yourself exploring our page, thank you for taking the time to learn more about us! Reach out to us at gofardigdeepdiscover@gmail.com. Until then, follow the conversation by searching these hashtags:#gofar #digdeep #discover #buriedhorizons #BHAC Tabitha Burgess, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company dba Buried Horizons Archaeological Consulting.