Banking - , ,
Burns National is a family-owned company that performs collateral recovery and repossession services across the entire United States. Our company works with more than 600 repossession agencies throughout the country, allowing us to cover more ground in less time than anybody in the business. Burns National also boasts one of the most comprehensive networks of Digital Recognition Network's™ camera-equipped repossession agents. More than half of all Burns National's repossession agents are constantly scanning thousands of license plates throughout the country 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Burns National's roots date back to the early 1990's when it got its start in the collateral recovery business as a local repossession company in western Michigan. This extensive experience in the repossession industry provides Burns National with the unique advantage of having worked both in the trenches as a repossession agency and in the front office providing top notch service to financial institutions big and small.